Thursday, January 08, 2009

Google Reader is amazing!

So Google Reader, where have you been all my life? You allow me to never, ever have to visit the actual website of the many (and sometimes annoyingly ad ridden) blogs I visit. And you make sure I never miss a post. Your reader system updates in my tabs when something new is posted (just like an email!). So amazing. I don't know how I have missed out on this.

I am able to follow all of my gossip, narrative and newsy blogs. I can even follow local bloggers who I am a fan of. Essentially this wonderful little reader has made it so I never have to browse the internet again.

I realize I am figuring out about this technology a little late, but it is perfect for work. Because when you look at Google Reader, it essentially looks like an email webpage or whatnot. It's not the annoying ad ridden often glaringly obvious I'm-not-doing-work-related-browsing that so many of pages are.

Also on top of learning about Google Reader, I figured out how to make a screen capture today. Not that I need to do it that much it is something cool to know.

Hooray for technology!

P.S. Click on photo to enlarge to see what Google Reader actually looks like.

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