Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Things I am thankful for, and things I am not...

Jeremy Roenick and the Sharks victory in the first round against Calgary.

The Weepie's new album. And the fact that iLike is streaming the whole thing here.

Mike's new condo, which is still empty. I am helping move all his stuff in this weekend!

My new addiction- who thought Scrabble and Boggle combined would be so much fun!

And now for the most recent thorns in my side:

Kit and Zoe. I know they are nocturnal and for the last 3 months earplugs have been enough. But I swear they play a game where whoever wakes up Mommy first wins. I have not slept a whole night through all week, and I am exhausted. I think tomorrow after work I am going to do a room re-design and see if I can fit these buggers in my closet. It's a long shot, but anything is worth a try so I can sleep through the night again.

1 comment:

Mike said...

YAY for J.R.!!!! Pretty sleek looking photo of him you found there!! Shall we enjoy chinchilla burgers tomorrow night?