Monday, October 20, 2008

Fun fill in the blank blog

Go to and type in your answer to each question in the search box, then write the most amusing definition it gives you.

1. Your name:
2. Your age:
3. One of your friends:
4. What should you be doing?
5. Your favourite colour:
6. Your birthplace:
7. Last person you talked to:
8. Last thing you had to drink:
9. Your nickname:

My results:
1. adj., awesome, cool, neat.
"that jet plane is so traci!"
2. The age at which one can finally rent a car in the United States without being charged enormous amounts of money and without having to sign thousands of papers for that matter.
I got stabbed and mugged in the subway because I woulda had to pay $100 more per day for renting a car cuz im not 25 yet!
3. The most awesome event, person, or place.
That party was so Amanda!
4. Jargon for the act of diving to catch the disk in the game ultimate frisbee.
you should have laid out to catch that.
5. Money
homies always askin fo some green.
6. The most over looked city in Orange County. Most people who live in The OC haven't heard of it. For those who don't know, it is between Huntington Beach, Westminister, and Santa Ana. It is home to about 2 Starbucks cafes and 20 7-11's.
Person 1: I live in Fountain Valley.
Person 2: Where?
Person 1: In Orange County.
Person 2: Oh SWEET! You must be like, RICH!
Person 1: No. *punches Person 2*
7. One who circulates the room without reason.
that party was full of elizas.
8. A uniquely American drink that apparently tea drinkers outside the US just don't get. Both refreshing and caffeinated, but be careful what you order -- Southerners like it really, really sweet.
Ah, iced tea. My wirewater of choice.
9. Describes the act of following in someone's particular way of life, like using tracing paper to make a duplicate of an original.
man, don't trace those kids, be yourself.

I don't know what this all means, but I think I have decided the Urbandictionary is pretty much filled with a bunch of crap.

P.S. Sorry I haven't blogged in awhile.

1 comment:

A Panda said...

If amanda means awesome event or place, i would not say that urbandictionary is filled with crap.