Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Fall/winter weather

Today is just one of those gorgeous days. It's crisp and wintery outside but the sun is shining bright and it is literally raining leaves everywhere you go.

I'm surprised. This time last year I could swear all the trees were bare and the leaves had long since been blown out of the streets. It seems fall is lingering this year, which is fine by me, I absolutely love it when the leaves fall and dance along the streets in the crisp winter air.

Not a lot to update. I got to hang out with Marie yesterday which was fun, we had Thai food and walked her dog. I like hanging out with her, she is fun. I also got to hang out with Mike, caught up on Heroes a bit.

Still need to pack, but I took a step in the right direction yesterday and picked up a ton of boxes from Barnes & Noble. . Hung out with my old co-worker Pingel for a bit which was fun. Oh and if you ever want to read a funny comic about life as a bookseller, take a look at this.

Well that's about it for me today, but I am keeping on top of writing this which is good.

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