Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Journalists really have to jump hurdles around the holidays. It's not just the fact that we have to put too many issues out in December, it's the fact that no one is during the holidays.

For the real news stories we need to talk to officials. I just spent the better part of this morning calling every contact I had at the district to get official language for something that was voted on last week (the board meeting where I was running a high fever).

So no one is in the district office today. The secretary who I rely on did not send me the information I requested last week like she promised, which is why I have been jumping hurdles today trying to find the information. I finally caught a board member at work.

Now board members are harder though because they never remember the correct language and they are just going off of the confusing discussion which I was trying to clarify anyway. So I got my answers but am disappointed to realize how many people actually get this entire week off.

All I have to say is (and this is a throw back to my elementary school days) ...... no fair.

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