Thursday, February 07, 2008

See into the future

Don't you just wish sometimes you could fast-forward 12 months into the future to see where it all ends up? I have been an eager to know the outcome of the primary and I really thought Super Tuesday was going to mean something. To say I am disappointed I didn’t get an answer is an understatement.

Hillary or Barack…. at this point I just want the person who will get the republicans out of office.

I worry if Hillary wins, too many people HATE her, and I mean H-A-T-E in caps. That worries me, I’m afraid she can’t take the White House when all is said and done.

If Barack wins I might be slightly happier, he has people believing we can change the way things are run. And who doesn’t want to have faith that the nation can change its backward ways. My problem is that I feel he might lack the experience. He has the faith, but do I believe that his experience can back up everything he claims? I don’t know.

The ultimate solution would be to combine Hillary’s experience with Barack’s faith and message of change. I still think the combination would be more successful if Barack were the front-runner. But I really feel they have to run together.

I’m afraid they won’t. I think if Hillary wins, I think she will strongly consider running with Barack (he’ll definitely bring in votes where she didn’t). But I think if Barack wins the nod he might consider running with someone else. There’s been too much bad blood drawn, and I hope when all is said and done, they can overcome all the vitriol that was unleashed in the past several months.

When all is said and done I think Obama-Clinton will be the best ticket and will have a real shot at getting the Republicans out of the White House.

I just wish I could teleport or something, just for 1 minute into the future, just to see who actually is going to take the White House in the next election.

One thing can be agreed on…… thank goodness Bush will be gone!

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