Friday, April 04, 2008

One of the best

One of my most favorite movies of all time is Almost Famous. And I am at home enjoying it, alone on a Friday night. And it is spectacular, except for my throat, which heavily enclosed which means I am either on the verge of being sick or I am experiencing the worst allergies of my life.

"I always tell the girls never take it seriously. If you never take it seriously then you never get hurt. If you never get hurt then you always have fun, and if you ever get lonely you can just go to the record store and visit your friends." (Courtesy of Penny Lane)

"The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool." (Courtesy of Lester Bangs)


Shannon Barry said...

Amazing movie and, don't know about you, but I think Patrick Fugit is pretty cute. You should check out "Wristcutters: A Love Story." It was actually very enjoyable, but nowhere near as good... of course. =)

A Panda said...

So weird... That movie is coming next on my netflix, I was totally inspired to watch it because of that book on Fleetwood Mac I was reading.